Scripture Reading - Psalm 23:1-6

1 The LORD Jesus is my shepherd; I have complete Salvation and Deliverance in His Blood.

2 My Heavenly Father gently puts me to bed every night: His Holy Spirit gently leads me in daylight like a soft stream of water running through my fingers.

3 The revelation of God’s Word restores my soul to peace during troubling challenges: His Presence leads me in the Way of truth and righteousness in the All Powerful Name of Jesus.

4 Yea, though I walk through this earth surrounded by echo’s of death, I have no reason to fear evil: because My Heavenly Father is with me; God’s Promises and God’s Counselor both comfort me and assure me of victory by God’s grace through faith.

5 Jesus paved the Way to Heaven for me in the presence of those who sentenced me to death: Yes when I think of Jesus, the Holy Spirit fills me with the spirit of gladness; so much so that I must smile, that is when joy overflows my face, I am running over with God's Love.

6 I am sure of God’s goodness because He has been very merciful to me, I know God’s Angels and His virtues are following me all the days of my life: for I am a Christian, and I will live in Christ Jesus, my LORD and Savoir, for ever more. Amen!